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Fashion Blog


          Launched in 2020 acting as a community for people of all ages who are looking to spice up their outfit game! 

           if you love to know how to style a certain piece of clothing to make it go from regular to chic and experiment with your everyday outfits, you'll feel right at home here. The posts will be based on the knowledge of fashion i have. This site came into existence because I love fashion and I'd love to share my knowledge with you guys. 

          I started working on this blog in late 2019, but I've discovered my love for Fashion since a few years. I am a computer engineering student and my escape to that busy course is dressing up and experimenting with my outfits. 

          So if you want to know more, checkout my blogs! Thank you for visiting!

Home: Welcome

Breaking up with winter!

Hey guys! with our 9 to 5 lives even I, have returned from the dead. This is the time I will start coming out of my 10-layer winter...

You say Winter, I hear Layering!

Hey guys, this lockdown has ways to make people disappear but here I am. I hope you guys are doing great, staying home and enjoying the...

5 ways to style jeans and t-shirt!

Every person has their go-to outfit. I am definitely a jeans and t-shirt girl! I always get attached to a certain outfit and end up...

What is this blog about?

We all have struggled to put an outfit together in the morning. Just got out of the shower and you are staring at the wardrobe thinking...

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